Not (necessarily)
Typical GUI impl consists of
Adobe: 1/3 code and 1/2 bugs due to event handling
Model: var e = new Elephant();
View is a function of model, model is a function of events.
Functional reactive programming: write them that way!
Slogan: Dependencies, not callbacks.
Javascript | OCaml |
f(x, y) |
f x y |
foo.bar(x) |
foo#bar x |
Foo.bar(x) |
Foo.bar x |
function (x) { ... } |
fun x -> ... |
var x = ...; |
let x = ... in |
x ? y : z |
if x then y else z |
val foo : int -> string |
type 'a t = ... |
, Dom
, Froc_dom
: FRP library, access to DOMA disembodied spreadsheet cell:
type 'a behavior
Example: + 1 =
let input = Dom.document#getElementById "input" in let value = Froc_dom.input_value_b input in ... val lift : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a behavior -> 'b behavior let int_value = Froc.lift int_of_string value in let incr = Froc.lift (fun x -> x + 1) int_value in
Dependents updated on changes.
Example: let x = in x + 2 * x =
let value = ... in let x = Froc.lift int_of_string value in let double = Froc.lift (fun x -> 2 * x) x in let triple = Froc.lift2 (fun s d -> s + d) x double in
Must update in consistent order:
Update all behavior's deps before the behavior.
let x = in if x = 0 then 0 else 100 / x =
val return : 'a -> 'a behavior val bind : 'a behavior -> ('a -> 'b behavior) -> 'b behavior let x = ... in let b = Froc.lift (fun x -> x = 0) x in let result = Froc.bind b (fun b -> if b then Froc.return 0 else Froc.lift (fun x -> 100 / x) x) in
Dependencies in scope of bind
are removed on updates.
let div_x = Froc.lift (fun x -> 100 / x) x in let result = Froc.bind (fun b -> if b then Froc.return 0 else div_x) in
To do something with a behavior:
Froc.notify_b innerHTML (fun s -> e#_set_innerHTML s);
Froc_dom.attach_innerHTML_b e innerHTML;
"Hey, wait, that's just a callback!"
Yes, but:
Alternative: build behavior of whole UI, call notify_b
let text = Dom.document#getElementById "text" in let count = Dom.document#getElementById "count" in let tweet = Dom.document#getElementById "tweet" in let length = Froc.lift String.length (Froc_dom.input_value_b ~event:"keyup" text) in let left = Froc.lift (fun x -> 140 - x) length in let color = Froc.lift (fun x -> if x < 10 then "#D40D12" else if x < 20 then "#5C0002" else "#CCC") left in let disabled = Froc.lift (fun x -> x < 0) left in Froc_dom.attach_innerHTML_b count (Froc.lift string_of_int left); Froc_dom.attach_color_b count color; Froc_dom.attach_disabled_b tweet disabled;
type square = { i : int; j : int; cell : int option Froc.behavior; input : Dom.input; } let squares = ... let adjacents { i = i; j = j } = let adj { i = i'; j = j' } = (not (i' = i && j' = j)) && (i' = i || j' = j || (i' / 3 = i / 3 && j' / 3 = j / 3)) in List.map (fun sq -> sq.cell) (List.filter adj squares) in List.iter (fun sq -> let bg = Froc.bindN (adjacents sq) (fun adjs -> Froc.lift (fun v -> if v <> None && List.mem v adjs then "#ff0000" else "#ffffff") sq.cell) in Froc_dom.attach_backgroundColor_b sq.input bg) squares;
A disembodied event stream:
type 'a event
has been clicked times. has been shift-clicked times. Either button has been clicked times.
let button = Dom.document#getElementById "button" in let button2 = Dom.document#getElementById "button2" in let clicks = Froc_dom.clicks button in ... let count = Froc.count clicks in val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a event -> 'a event val merge : 'a event list -> 'a event let shift_clicks = Froc.filter (fun e -> e#_get_shiftKey) (Froc_dom.clicks button2) in let either_clicks = Froc.merge [ clicks; shift_clicks ] in
Username | ||
Password | ||
Repeat password | ||
let (~$) x = Dom.document#getElementById x in let (~<) x = Froc_dom.input_value_b ~$x in let password_ok = Froc.blift2 ~<"password" ~<"password2" begin fun p p2 -> match p, p2 with | "", _ | _, "" -> `Unset | p, p2 when p = p2 -> `Ok | _ -> `Mismatch end in let username_ok = ... Froc_dom.attach_innerHTML_b ~$"password_ok" (Froc.blift password_ok begin function | `Unset -> "" | `Ok -> "ok" | `Mismatch -> "mismatch" end); Froc_dom.attach_disabled_b ~$"signup" (Froc.bliftN [ password_ok; username_ok ] begin fun oks -> not (List.for_all (function `Ok -> true | _ -> false) oks) end);
let check_username = function | "jaked" -> `Taken | _ -> `Ok in let check_username_rpc : string event -> (string * [`Taken|`Ok|`Checking]) event = ... let (|>) x f = f x val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a event -> 'b event let maybe_check_username reqs = Froc.merge [ reqs |> Froc.filter (fun req -> req = "") |> Froc.map (fun _ -> "", `Unset); reqs |> Froc.filter (fun req -> req <> "") |> check_username_rpc; ] in val changes : 'a behavior -> 'a event val sample : 'a behavior -> 'a val hold : 'a -> 'a event -> 'a behavior let username_ok = let username = ~<"username" in Froc.changes username |> maybe_check_username |> Froc.filter (fun (req, _) -> Froc.sample username = req) |> Froc.map (fun (_, res) -> res) |> Froc.hold `Unset in
val when_true : bool behavior -> unit event val collect_b : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a event -> 'b behavior val fix_b : ('a behavior -> 'a behavior) -> 'a behavior let ball_point = F.fix_b begin fun bp -> let x_out_of_bounds = bp |> F.lift (fun (x, _) -> x <= xmin || x >= xmax) |> F.when_true |> F.map (fun () -> `X_bounds) in let v = F.fix_b begin fun v -> F.merge [ xy_out_of_bounds; x_out_of_bounds; y_out_of_bounds; hit_paddle ] |> F.map begin fun e -> let (vx, vy) = F.sample v in let (x, y) = F.sample bp in match e with | `X_bounds -> (-.vx, vy) | `Y_bounds -> (vx, -.vy) | `Xy_bounds -> (-.vx, -.vy) | `Paddle -> ... (* bounce v off the tangent to the paddle *) end |> F.hold init_v end in Fd.ticks 20. |> F.collect_b (fun (x, y) () -> let vx, vy = F.sample v in (x +. vx, y +. vy)) init_p end in
OCaml is a sweet-spot for FRP: