Index of values

(>>=) [Froc_sa]
c >>= f is an alternative notation for bind c f.
(>>=) [Froc_ddg]
(>>=) [Froc]
b >>= f is an alternative notation for bind b f.

add_reader [Froc_ddg]
add_reader2 [Froc_ddg]
add_reader3 [Froc_ddg]
add_reader4 [Froc_ddg]
add_reader5 [Froc_ddg]
add_reader6 [Froc_ddg]
add_reader7 [Froc_ddg]
add_readerN [Froc_ddg]
add_reader_cancel [Froc_ddg]
appendChild [Froc_dom]
attach [Froc_dom_anim]
attach_backgroundColor_b [Froc_dom]
attach_backgroundColor_e [Froc_dom]
attach_innerHTML [Froc_dom]
attach_input_value_b [Froc_dom]
attach_input_value_e [Froc_dom]

bind [Froc_sa]
bind c f behaves as f applied to the value of c.
bind [Froc_ddg]
bind [Froc]
bind b f behaves as f applied to the value of b.
bind2 [Froc_sa]
bind2 [Froc_ddg]
bind2 [Froc]
bind3 [Froc_sa]
bind3 [Froc_ddg]
bind3 [Froc]
bind4 [Froc_sa]
bind4 [Froc_ddg]
bind4 [Froc]
bind5 [Froc_sa]
bind5 [Froc_ddg]
bind5 [Froc]
bind6 [Froc_sa]
bind6 [Froc_ddg]
bind6 [Froc]
bind7 [Froc_sa]
bind7 [Froc_ddg]
bind7 [Froc]
bindN [Froc_sa]
bindN [Froc_ddg]
bindN [Froc]
blift [Froc_sa]
blift c ?eq f is equivalent to bind c (fun v -> return ?eq (f v)), but is slightly more efficient.
blift [Froc_ddg]
blift [Froc]
blift b ?eq f is equivalent to bind b (fun v -> return ?eq (f v)), but is slightly more efficient.
blift2 [Froc_sa]
blift2 [Froc_ddg]
blift2 [Froc]
blift3 [Froc_sa]
blift3 [Froc_ddg]
blift3 [Froc]
blift4 [Froc_sa]
blift4 [Froc_ddg]
blift4 [Froc]
blift5 [Froc_sa]
blift5 [Froc_ddg]
blift5 [Froc]
blift6 [Froc_sa]
blift6 [Froc_ddg]
blift6 [Froc]
blift7 [Froc_sa]
blift7 [Froc_ddg]
blift7 [Froc]
bliftN [Froc_ddg]
bliftN [Froc]

cancel [Froc_ddg]
cancel [Froc]
Cancels a listener registration using the given handle.
catch [Froc_sa]
catch cf f behaves the same as cf() if cf() succeeds.
catch [Froc_ddg]
catch [Froc]
catch bf f behaves the same as bf() if bf() succeeds.
catch_lift [Froc_sa]
catch_lift cf ?eq f is equivalent to catch cf (fun e -> return ?eq (f e)), but is slightly more efficient.
catch_lift [Froc_ddg]
catch_lift [Froc]
catch_lift bf ?eq f is equivalent to catch bf (fun e -> return ?eq (f e)), but is slightly more efficient.
changeable [Froc_sa]
changeable v is a changeable with initial value v.
changeable [Froc_ddg]
changes [Froc]
changes b occurs with the value of b whenever b changes.
cleanup [Froc_ddg]
cleanup [Froc]
cleanup f attaches f to the enclosing dynamic scope, so it is called when the scope is cleaned up.
clear [Froc_ddg]
clicks [Froc_dom]
collect [Froc]
collect f b e is an event that maintains an internal state s (initialized to b); whenever e fires v, s' becomes f s v, the event fires s', and s' becomes the new internal state.
color [Froc_dom_anim]
connect [Froc_ddg]
connect_cancel [Froc_ddg]
count [Froc]
count e takes on the number of times e has occurred (since count was called).

delay_b [Froc_dom]
delay_bb [Froc_dom]
delay_e [Froc_dom]
delay_eb [Froc_dom]
disk [Froc_dom_anim]

fail [Froc_sa]
fail e is a constant changeable that fails with the exception e.
fail [Froc_ddg]
fail [Froc]
fail e is a constant behavior that fails with the exception e.
filled_poly [Froc_dom_anim]
filter [Froc]
filter p e is an event that fires v whenever e fires v and p v is true.
fix_b [Froc]
fix_b bf returns bf b' where b' behaves like bf b', but delayed one update cycle.
fix_e [Froc]
fix_e ef returns ef e' where e' is an event that occurs whenever ef e' occurs, but in the next update cycle.

hash [Froc_sa]
A hash function for changeables,
hash [Froc_ddg]
hash_behavior [Froc]
A hash function for behaviors.
hash_event [Froc]
A hash function for events.
hold [Froc]
hold v e takes on the last value which occurred on e, or v if e has not yet occurred (since hold was called).
hold_result [Froc]
Same as hold but initialized with a result.

init [Froc_sa]
Initialize the library; can be called again to reinitialize.
init [Froc_ddg]
init [Froc]
Initialize the library; can be called again to reinitialize.
input_value_b [Froc_dom]
input_value_e [Froc_dom]
is_constant [Froc_ddg]

join_b [Froc]
join_b b behaves as whichever behavior is currently the value of b.
join_e [Froc]
join_e ee occurs whenever the event which last occurred on ee occurs.

lift [Froc_sa]
lift ?eq f c is equivalent to blift c ?eq f; it can be partially applied to lift a function to the monad without yet binding it to a changeable.
lift [Froc_ddg]
lift [Froc]
lift ?eq f b is equivalent to blift b ?eq f; it can be partially applied to lift a function to the monad without yet binding it to a behavior.
lift2 [Froc_sa]
lift2 [Froc_ddg]
lift2 [Froc]
lift3 [Froc_sa]
lift3 [Froc_ddg]
lift3 [Froc]
lift4 [Froc_sa]
lift4 [Froc_ddg]
lift4 [Froc]
lift5 [Froc_sa]
lift5 [Froc_ddg]
lift5 [Froc]
lift6 [Froc_sa]
lift6 [Froc_ddg]
lift6 [Froc]
lift7 [Froc_sa]
lift7 [Froc_ddg]
lift7 [Froc]
liftN [Froc_sa]
liftN [Froc_ddg]
liftN [Froc]

make_cancel [Froc_ddg]
make_cell [Froc]
make_cell v returns a behavior (with initial value v) and a setter function which changes the behavior's value.
make_changeable [Froc_ddg]
make_constant [Froc_ddg]
make_event [Froc]
Makes a new event taking values of type 'a.
map [Froc]
map f e fires f v whenever e fires v.
map2 [Froc]
map2 f e1 e2 fires f v1 v2 whenever e1 and e2 fire v1 and v2 simultaneously.
memo [Froc_sa]
memo f creates a memo function f' from f.
memo [Froc_ddg]
memo [Froc]
memo f creates a memo function f' from f.
merge [Froc]
merge es occurs whenever any of the events in es occurs.
mouse_b [Froc_dom]
mouse_e [Froc_dom]

never [Froc]
An event which never occurs.
next [Froc]
next e passes on only the next occurence of e; subsequent occurrences are dropped.
no_cancel [Froc_ddg]
no_cancel [Froc]
Dummy cancel.
notify [Froc_ddg]
notify_b [Froc]
notify_b b f adds f as a listener for b, which is called whenever b changes.
notify_b_cancel [Froc]
Same as notify_b, and returns a cancel handle (the notification is still cancelled when the enclosing dynamic scope is cleaned up).
notify_cancel [Froc_ddg]
notify_e [Froc]
notify_e e f adds f as a listener for e, which is called with v whenever e occurs with value v.
notify_e_cancel [Froc]
Same as notify_e, and returns a cancel handle (the notification is still cancelled when the enclosing dynamic scope is cleaned up).
notify_result [Froc_ddg]
notify_result_b [Froc]
Same as notify_b but the listener is called with a result when the value changes or when the behavior fails.
notify_result_b_cancel [Froc]
Same as notify_result_b, and returns a cancel handle (the notification is still cancelled when the enclosing dynamic scope is cleaned up).
notify_result_cancel [Froc_ddg]
notify_result_e [Froc]
Same as notify_e but the listener is called with a result when a value or a failure is sent.
notify_result_e_cancel [Froc]
Same as notify_result_e, and returns a cancel handle (the notification is still cancelled when the enclosing dynamic scope is cleaned up).

propagate [Froc_sa]
Process any outstanding changes so all changeables are consistent.
propagate [Froc_ddg]

read [Froc_sa]
read c returns the value of c, or raises an exception if c fails.
read [Froc_ddg]
read_result [Froc_ddg]
replaceNode [Froc_dom]
return [Froc_sa]
return v is a constant changeable with value v.
return [Froc_ddg]
return [Froc]
return v is a constant behavior with value v.

sample [Froc]
sample b returns the current value of b, or raises b's exception if it is failed.
sample_result [Froc]
Same as sample but returns a result.
send [Froc]
send s v sends the value v to the associated event e, so e occurs with value v.
send_deferred [Froc]
send_deferred s v enqueues a call to send s v for a future update cycle.
send_exn [Froc]
send_exn s x sends the failure x to the associated event e, so e occurs with failure x.
send_exn_deferred [Froc]
send_exn_deferred s x enqueues a call to send_exn s x for a future update cycle.
send_result [Froc]
send_result s r sends the result r to the associated event e, so e occurs with result r.
send_result_deferred [Froc]
send_result_deferred s r enqueues a call to send_result s r for a future update cycle.
set_debug [Froc_sa]
Set a function for showing library debugging.
set_debug [Froc_ddg]
set_debug [Froc]
Set a function for showing library debugging.
set_exn_handler [Froc_ddg]
set_exn_handler [Froc]
Set an exception handler which is called on exceptions from listeners.
switch [Froc]
switch b e behaves as b until e occurs, then behaves as the last value of e.

ticks [Froc_dom]
ticks_b [Froc_dom]
try_bind [Froc_sa]
try_bind cf f g behaves as bind (cf()) f if cf() succeeds.
try_bind [Froc_ddg]
try_bind [Froc]
try_bind bf f g behaves as bind (bf()) f if bf() succeeds.
try_bind_lift [Froc_sa]
try_bind_lift cf ?eq f g is equivalent to try_bind cf (fun v -> return ?eq (f v)) (fun e -> return ?eq (g e)), but is slightly more efficient.
try_bind_lift [Froc_ddg]
try_bind_lift [Froc]
try_bind_lift bf ?eq f g is equivalent to try_bind bf (fun v -> return ?eq (f v)) (fun e -> return ?eq (g e)), but is slightly more efficient.

until [Froc]
until b e behaves as b until e occurs with value b', then behaves as b'.

when_true [Froc]
when_true b fires whenever b becomes true.
write [Froc_sa]
write w v updates the value of the associated changeable c.
write [Froc_ddg]
write_exn [Froc_sa]
write_exn w e updates the associated changeable c to fail with exception e.
write_exn [Froc_ddg]
write_result [Froc_ddg]