Module Dom

module Dom: sig .. end
Browser DOM binding

Dom is a partial binding of the browser DOM, taken from Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference, 3rd Ed. and from the DOM standards.
type interval_id 
type timeout_id 
class type node = object .. end
class type documentFragment = object .. end
class type abstractView = object .. end
class type event = object .. end
class type uIEvent = object .. end
class type keyEvent = object .. end
class type mouseEvent = object .. end
class type style = object .. end
class type element = object .. end
class type anchor = object .. end
class type characterData = object .. end
class type text = object .. end
class type location = object .. end
class type window = object .. end
class type body = object .. end
class type cssRule = object .. end
class type styleSheet = object .. end
class type document = object .. end
class type form = object .. end
class type button = object .. end
class type input = object .. end
class type option = object .. end
class type select = object .. end
class type span = object .. end
class type image = object .. end
class type canvas = object .. end
class type canvasRenderingContext2D = object .. end
class type canvasGradient = object .. end
class type canvasPattern = object .. end
class type textMetrics = object .. end
class type imageData = object .. end
class type xMLHttpRequest = object .. end
val new_XMLHttpRequest : unit -> xMLHttpRequest
val window : window
val document : document